Bring Marni as a Performer/Teacher

Picture of Marni Gillard When I visit a school, I generally come for no less than a full school day.

In a multi-day residency I get teachers and children of any age telling tales and listening with delight to each other's stories.
Picture of Marni Gillard and a student teller

I can either offer an introduction to the art of storytelling or provide teachers with information about how to do that themselves--so that when I visit I act as a storytelling coach, helping staff and students sharpen their storytelling skills.

I can demonstrate how to perform a variety of tales and poems for a large group or groups but prefer to meet with students in groups of 50 or less. That way, students can "turn to your partner" and experience the art of storytelling.
Picture of Marni Gillard

If it is possible for teachers to be freed to observe me teaching, I enjoy doing demonstration classes in which I model for teachers possible ways to approach storytelling with students. I show how to help students take the stage and "draft" a telling in front of their classmates.
Picture of students of Marni's

I teach students how to listen attentively and to offer appreciations - specific positive responses - as well as to ask helpful questions.

Sometimes before or after the school day I talk with teachers about my work with students or answer questions about what they have observed during demonstrations.

Picture of Marni Gillard I encourage teachers to use a process approach to teach storytelling, much as they might to teach writing.

When I was a full-time teacher my students made individual learning logs to:

  1. record their questions,
  2. share their reactions to class storytelling activities, and
  3. name their learnings throughout the storytelling unit.